Hypnosis offers help for so many different issues, below is a list of some of the issues that can be helped and supported.
* Stop Smoking
* Weight Loss
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Stress
* Phobias
* Addictions
* Self Confidence
* Public speaking
* Fears

Weight loss hypnosis is such a personal journey and is tailored to suit you directly.
This bundle consists of three sessions to help you change your perspective for your lifestyle changes that you want to work on.
Book in for the 3 session bundle which can be spread out over 3-6 weeks. All sessions will be available online and in person, to suit your needs. Measurements and weigh in on all three sessions are optional when hypnosis is carried out in person.
These sessions make your choices easier going forward on your journey, reaching for water first, heading out for your walk, choosing healthier options. But also remember that you are not a machine, life is a rollercoaster and we have ups and downs, we have holidays and parties to attend. So it’s not cutting out the bad and living on soup for 6 months with this bundle. It’s really changing your perspective on your choices and making it easier for you to make healthier choices without cutting out food groups.